Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday July 29, 2007

Well another weekend gone. It was a really good one. On Thursday, my friend, April Kegg, had her baby. A little boy, Owen Matthew. He is adorable. On Friday my father in law finally got to come home from the hospital. I know he is overly excited about that. Friday night we did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! After having to run all over for the entire week, and it was wonderful.

On Saturday, Steve, Madilyn and I had family time. We went out to lunch. Went to the Simpsons Movie! Madi thought it was great that Homer was so big. She kept asking if he was real. Steve's favorite part was the very last scene on the rooftop (don't wanna give it away to those who are gonna see it). Then we took Madilyn bowling for the first time. She thought the shoes were cool because they sounded like tap shoes when she danced. She even slipped when she went over the foul line and got her foot caught in the bumper guard. This is only funny because I saw it...and of cousre, because she didn't get hurt! She bowled a 32 and a 65. Pretty good for barely being able to lift the ball. We finished the afternoon with ice cream from Dairy Queen. Madilyn and I fell asleep on the couch about 7:30 p.m.

Today, we did nothing. Stayed home. Madilyn wanted to watch movies all day...fine by me, it was HOT outside. So I spent some time in my scrapbook room getting things ready for my trip to Texas. Only a few more days!!!! I'm nervous about leaving Madilyn for that many days. I know she is in good hands (her daddy's), but I've never gone away like this since I've been married, let alone since I had her. But I am excited, I've never been to Texas and I've never been to a "retreat" scrapbook event. I think it will be fun!

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Kankakee, Illinois, United States