Saturday, July 18, 2009

Nascar Weekend 2009


Pole Day! Madilyn went to qualifying at the track with us. We all had a great time.

July 8, 2009


It was a total fluke. We were at Race Ralley in Joliet. It was rainy and cold and were heading back to the car. And they announced him on stage. Madilyn ran toward the stage. We stayed and listed to him sing, then got to meet him and have our picture take with him. He was awesome. So nice!

Happy 4th of July

We spent today at the park near the Kankakee the rain. We cooked out and let off a few fire works. The rain let up just in time for the "real" fireworks display.


I was off work today. YAY! That never happens during the week. So I took Madilyn bowling and Steve joined us for the second game. When we were done, we hit the fireworks stand.

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Kankakee, Illinois, United States